How to Keep Bringing Users Back to Your Mobile App

submit   September 6, 2016   Comments Off on How to Keep Bringing Users Back to Your Mobile App

locostmarketingWhat is the most important aspect of your mobile app?

Is it performance? Stability? User experience? The answer is retention. The mobile app ecosystem is extremely competitive and every niche will now have tens if not hundreds of competing apps.

Having the most beautiful, stable and user-friendly app will mean nothing if users don’t use the app regularly. Here are four ways to improve user retention a mobile app:

Use Push Notifications

The first step when the app is installed is to get the user to enable push notifications. This is one of the most powerful methods of driving user engagement on mobile phones. Localytics, an app analytics firm says that data shows an 88% increase in engagement when push notifications are enabled.

Use Email Marketing

Thanks in large part to apps that bombard users with notifications, a lot of users elect to switch them off entirely. Another way to keep retention high is to send regular emails to the users. The emails can be tips, tricks, and even how-to guides. Take it a step further and have deep links to the apps within the email so when they click something it opens the app and takes them directly to that location.

Use a Simple Onboarding Process

The app needs to be intuitive. Have you ever opened an and been unsure of how to proceed? That is what needs to be avoided. Keep the onboarding process to four screens or even less. That should be more than enough to familiarize your users.