bonus table

Bonus #1




Some of the topics included in this audio interview with Mike Filsaime are:

How almost anyone can turn a ‘hobby job’ or part time business into a multi-million dollar company – powerful stuff

Discover the real secret behind Mike’s ‘Overnight Success’ with Butterfly Marketing – $700,000 in one day & $1.5Million+ in 2 weeks.

The one strategy Mike believes has brought him more success than anything else over the last few years (and it’s made him a ‘household name’.)

Plus lots more..

Bonus #2


Ted Nicholas is going to teach you exactly how to get into the hearts and minds of your readers so that they are compelled to buy from you.

Ted is not only a successful international speaker and author, he is also an expert marketing consultant, and one of the most successful and highest paid copywriters in the world.

He has produced 5.9 billion dollars worth of sales in his own companies and through his clients companies.

When it comes to direct-response marketing, advertising, publishing online & offline copywriting you’ll find no finer teacher – Ted has run more space ads than any other marketer in the US in the last 50 years …

Bonus #3



Joel Comm is an internet entrepreneur who has been online for over 20 years. He is a master at earning money from Google Adsense, and is the author of many popular books, including the NY Times Best-Seller, The AdSense Code.

In this audio interview he teaches you his amazing secrets to EXACTLY how he earns all his Adsense income in this cutting edge audio lesson. 

Ever wanted to earn a fantastic living from posting little Google Ads on your website? Here’s how to do it, right here!

Bonus #4

Using the power of Marketing Leverage Andrew regularly affiliates to products in the Clickbank marketplace and earns himself $40,000+ commissions, all in the space of a week.

Leverage goes even further than that, recently Andrew took a resale rights product and turned it into a $25,000 pay day for himself!

And he has done this repeatedly over and over again!

And he believes anyone can do what he has done and he teaches you step by step everything you need to know about how to use marketing leverage to earn for yourself 5 figure paychecks, regularly.

Bonus #5

Listen to Michael Cheney discuss opt-in lists, co-reg lists, pre-launch lists (which have helped him generate 2 six figure launches) and special Sub-Lists tactics you can use to achieve higher response rates and sell more products)

Michael Cheney has won numerous prizes for various affiliate competitions that he has participated in and the reason he has been a winner over and over again is due to his list building secrets.

No list = no sales.

Huge list = Piles of sales.

Bonus #6

Find out from one of the world’s most renowned internet marketers, EXACTLY, how to earn for yourself a consistent, monthly income as an Affiliate marketer.

You’ll hear Willie’s success blueprint so that you can use it for yourself, and you’ll get to listen in on Willie telling Simon and Jeremy how anybody can get started as an affiliate marketer and start earning regular monthly pay checks of thousands of dollars, within a few short months.

You’ll hear in the first few minutes the exact reason why 95% of affiliate marketers are failing to make money online. (chances are you’re already committing this mistake right now and losing out big time) …

Bonus #7

Jason James is a former U.S. Marine who has become a highly accomplished and sought after speaker and consultant with expertise in: eBay buying and selling, membership website creation, internet marketing, joint ventures, product launches, motivational tactics, and strategic planning.

In this audio interview he shows you how to explode your online sales and create huge mailing lists through the effective use of Audio and Video.

Bonus #8

In this audio Interview Louis Allport discusses:

The sure-fire strategy you can start using today to build instant credibility in practically any niche marketplace you choose.

Why the right kind of video can establish yourself as a ‘bone-fide expert’ in your chosen marketplace almost overnight.

How to create new products about subjects you know little or nothing about and in the shortest time possible.

The thought process you need to go through before deciding on what types of product to create (getting this right first time can generate huge sales volumes)

plus loads more…

Bonus #9

Have you ever wondered how some people possess an almost magical ability to conquer adversity in their lives?

When you look around it’s obvious many of today’s most successful people have overcome huge obstacles and set backs to achieve their success.

If you’d like to know how to take those first critical steps to starting your own business and securing your personal and financial future then ‘Thinking Rich’ is a must listen to interview.

Bonus #10

In this very special audio interview, Jason Potash will tell you…

The subtle patterns found in successful content sites that you can apply to YOUR articles – getting you ranked faster & higher than ever before!

The powerful knowledge that Google contains – and how with one click of your mouse, you can have it at your fingertips.

The “hybrid” approach to article writing that can take your results to the next level.

How to ethically steal other people’s traffic – and have them thanking you for it!

How the wrong article directories can actually hurt your efforts (even if you submit to the “right ones”, too.)