How To Publish Blog Posts To Facebook & Twitter
November 3, 2011 Blogging

If you are a blogger, and you are not bothering to publish blog posts to Facebook & Twitter, then you are seriously missing out on generating extra traffic. 

If you go to the effort of writing quality content, then you really want as many people as possible to be visiting your website and reading your posts. And if your friends like the posts you are writing they will share them with their friends as well – and the viral loop goes on and on. 

Setting this up is really easy to do, and the best part is that it is completely automated after the initial set up. You will be able to publish blog posts to Facebook and Twitter with ease

In this tutorial I will show you how to publish both old and brand new blog posts onto both Facebook & Twitter. 

Publishing brand new blog posts to Facebook & Twitter 

To set this up you need to search for NetworkedBlogs (yes one word) in the Facebook search bar at the top of the page. 

Click on "Register A Blog" up the top and follow the prompts. You will need to verify that you own the blog, and to do this just copy the html code they provide and then paste this into a text widget on your widget menu.

To get a text widget just drag the widget that says "Text" to the right into the position you prefer on one of your sidebars. Once this is done you will need to click on "Verify" back in NetworkedBlogs.  

Once you have verified and registered your blog you will need to choose which Twitter accounts & Facebook accounts you want to publish your blog on.

If you not already on the "Profile" menu of NetworkedBlogs you will need to click on "Profile" on the top menu and then click on "Syndication" on the left. On this page click on "Add Twitter Target" and/or "Add Facebook Target".

I don't recommend posting to your Facebook profile, I suggest posting to a Fan Page instead. In my opinion Facebook profiles are for personal use and Fan Pages are for business use. 

And I don't recommend sending it out to multiple Twitter accounts because you will likely get both accounts suspended for using alias accounts. I have tried this before and I got caught, and ultimately suspended. 

Publishing old blog posts to Facebook & Twitter 

If you are writing/creating blog posts that are timeless (ie. not news related) then you may as well drive traffic to them as well. This works better if you have a lot of blog posts as people don't see the same headlines in your status updates every day. 

You will need to go to your WordPress dashboard and click on "Plugins – Add New". 

Type "Tweet Old Post" into the search box at the top and search the plugins. Install and activate this plugin and then click on the "Tweet Old Post" menu on the WordPress dashboard. 

One you have opened the settings for the "Tweet Old Post" plugin you will need to connect your Twitter account to the plugin by clicking on the "Connect" button at the top. The rest of the settings on this page are relatively straight forward but the main parts to concentrate on are setting up your "URL Shortener Service" and your "Minimum interval between tweets".

I don't believe it is a good idea to publish old blog posts onto your Facebook profile or Facebook fan pages as this is likely to annoy your friends and fans. It's a bit different on Twitter though as the tweets move quickly and blend in more, unless you only have a dozen or so followers. 

You can have Twitter send all your tweets to your Facebook profile if you wish simply by going to your profile settings on Twitter and clicking on the section that says "Post Your Tweets to Facebook". I don't recommend this if you are publishing blog posts to Twitter though,  as it is only suitable for tweets about your personal life in my opinion. 
