30 Different Ideas On How To Generate Leads Online Cheaply
December 9, 2011 Featured

For many people trying to work out how to generate leads online it can be a bit of a mystery. Some methods are fairly obvious and straightforward, and others need more thought. 

Some lead generation techniques can be expensive, and others can be relatively cheap or even free. 

I have come up with a list of low cost and free methods that will give you some ideas of how to generate leads online. Some of these are offline strategies, but all of them lead people to visit your landing page online. 

30 Different Ideas On How To Generate Leads Online Cheaply

1. Pay to place banner ads on targeted high traffic websites with a fixed monthly advertising cost

2. Advertise in an ezine that is related to your niche and has a large loyal reader base

3. Adding targeted friends on Facebook and introduce them to your landing page

4. Advertise a training webinar and add the opt ins to your list

5. Offer some free training or products on your website with an opt in form (yes I know that everybody knows this one)

6. Put up a poster at your laundry mat or supermarket sending people to your capture page

7. Put business cards inside books at book shops with your capture page link on them. 

8. Do a letter box drop with fliers sending people to your capture page

9. Use a list builder like Viral URL to send mass mailings to targeted people 

10. Find a person with a large list in your niche and approach them to send out an email in return for payment. 

11. Create a value based Facebook Fan Page and place an opt in box on it

12. Send out an occasional tweet offering consulting services on Twitter. 

13. Write out an instructional article on Squidoo or Hubpages and include a link in your bio to your capture page

14. Look up local real estate agents on the internet and cold call them.

15. Create lots of videos and upload them to multiple video sharing sites – make sure you use a call to action and a hyperlink to your landing page

16. Write an article, include a link to your landing page, and send it out to multiple article directories with submission software

17. Place an advertisement in your local newspaper for your capture page 

18.  Use the MaxBlogPress Subscribers Magnet plugin to add a subscribe check box to the comments section of your blog

19. Use a pop up for the first page that people see when they go to your website

20. Write a press release and direct traffic back to your landing page

21. Show your business opportunity to your friends and family (not recommended, but it is a way to get leads)

22. Write in a forum and put your landing page URL in your signature line (don't spam people with your business)

23. Register your landing page URL with online directories

24 Post ads in free classifieds such as 

25. Ask a pizza delivery restaurant if they'd be willing to put a sticker advertising your product/service on their pizza boxes 

26. Hire a college student to blanket a neighbourhood with door hangers or fliers in exchange for a percentage of each sale

27. Create a website (or a few niche sites) that attracts a lot of traffic and place banners for your biz op on it. 

28. Outsource your lead generation to a company that specialises in it, for a percentage of your sales

29. Use SEO and clever keyword research to get your landing page to rank on the first page of Google for popular keywords

30. Post your business opportunity on a job board website (but post in the self employed or businesses for sale section)

If you can think of more that I have not listed here, then feel free to add them in the comments section below. 

Image Copyright (c) from 123RF Stock Photos how to generate leads online
