Attention Info Marketers Struggling To Do Their Own Copywriting:
"Finally! A Simple,
Easy To Use Copywriting Formula –
You Can Use To Write Great Sales Letters In Under 3 Hours
Quick… Simple… Effective…
Dear Information Marketer,
Are you sick and tired of sitting down to write copy but not knowing where to start?
Does writing sales letters take up hours of your time?
Does the final result never seem good enough?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this is probably the most important sales letter that you have ever read.
As an information marketer you know what it is like.
You have put blood, sweat and tears into your latest product and you're excited to release it to the world – and make lots of money.
You have done many hours of research, study and hard work to create it.
You have done your market research.
You have jam packed as much value as you possibly can into it.
And you are sure that it is going to sell like hot cakes…
But the problem is no matter how good your product is (and no matter how many people would potentially want to buy it) – you won't make many sales unless you drive traffic to a sales page that converts.
If your sales letter is poorly written or if no one is interested in reading it then very few sales are going to result from it.
First of all the sales letter has to be address a particular need that the reader is desperately seeking, and secondly it has to written in a way that the prospect will find interesting enough to read.
If your missing one of these ingredients you are doomed to fail.
I struggled myself as well
I know what it is like.
When I first started to write copy my sentences were all over the place and there was no logical flow to the sales letter at all.
My headlines were weak and of little interest to prospects.
The tone of my letters made me sound desperately in a need of a few sales.
My promises and guarantees were exaggerated and didn't sound believable.
And my calls to action lacked the authority of someone that should be taken seriously.
So don't worry too much if you struggle to write copy.
It's not your fault…
Most information marketers have exactly the same problem.
And to make it worse the large majority of copywriting courses out there take a long time to complete.
Most people who buy them get excited to begin with, but then quickly get bored and never end up finishing the course.
I mean who wants to read a 500 page manual or have to consume 12 hours of video to learn copywriting?
Well I did all of that myself. I spent many months studying what works in copywriting and what doesn't.
But I'm guessing that you probably don't want to have to do that.
And you don't need to either.
I have the simple, quick and effective solution that best solves your problem.
But It didn't come easy to me…
I learned from some excellent mentors and by reading dozens of fantastic books about copywriting, and as a result of this I began to notice a familiar pattern that all of these experts were using.
I started to write down these similarities and ended up compiling them into a step by step formula (or you could call it a system) that could be used over and over again.
I was of the thinking that the vast majority of information that I had consumed made it sound a lot more complicated than it really was.
I wanted to condense the information overload into a short, simple and easy to follow system that would allow me to crank out copy whenever I wanted to.
Initially I created the formula just for my own personal use to make it easy for me to write good sales letters.
But eventually I realised that there was a need for a product like this.
To sum up my formula is:
Introducing the C4IM Formula
The end result of this work was that I developed the C4IM Formula – which is short for "Copywriting For Information Marketers Formula." This formula has been specifically created for information marketers wanting to create their own copy.
The huge advantage of this formula is that it is quick, simple and effective – the way copywriting should be. All you need to do is follow the step by step formula for your product and you should be able to write powerful sales letters effortlessly.
If you follow the formula (and have done your market research previously) it is quite possible to write sales letters from start to finish in less than about 3 hours, and once you get used to using the system you could quite easily cut this down to an hour, or possibly half an hour if you really focus.
Just like McDonalds benefits from an efficient system to quickly make burgers on demand, this formula will allow you to get predictable results each time you need to write a sales letter. And because these methods are compiled from a large array of information from recognised experts, you can be sure that they work.
Here is why the C4IM Formula is a must buy for any information marketer
- No more guesswork. Simply plug into the formula and you will know exactly what you should be writing about and where each section of copy should go.
- No need to study or learn anything. You can start writing your sales letters within five minutes of logging in.
- No need to take notes or read anything. The formula is broken up into short modules of video which tell you EXACTLY what you need to do step by step.
- This formula can be used for information products relating to any market or industry.
- Finish entire sales letters within 3 hours, possibly less once you get used to using the formula.
Can you imagine how much time and effort this is going to save you?
No more struggling to work out where to start and what to write.
And no need to wade through page after page of copywriting training materials.
No one knows more than I do about how much you can get bogged down in reading about copywriting. I spent a long time in learning mode myself, and the worst thing about this is that you don't get paid to learn.
You don't need to go through all that.
I have done all the hard work for you.
Here's what you get
The C4IM Formula is a digital information product that you will be able to access 24 hours a day once you become a member.
The contents of the program are as follows:
Market research and identifying exactly who you are selling to
Module 1 – The Headline
Find out exactly how to write benefit driven headlines with killer hooks that motivate the prospect to keep reading.
Module 2 – The Lead
Learn how to start your sales letter without losing the attention of the prospect and start talking about the problem.
Module 3 – The Solution
Introduce your product as the ideal solution to the problem above.
Module 4 – The Proof
Prove to the prospect that it does what you say it does, and that it has worked for other customers.
Module 5 – The Benefits
Hit your prospects hot buttons by showing them how your product will benefit them.
Module 6 – The Offer
Talk about the specific details of the product that you are offering to sell to them.
Module 7 – The Guarantee
Remove the risk and skepticism by providing a money back guarantee
Module 8 – The Scarcity
Make it clear that the prospect must take action today to not miss out on something that is limited.
Module 9 – The Call To Action
Introduce the price and actually ask for the order.
Module 10 – The Close
Remind them what will happen if they don't take action.
Bonus Section
Editing your draft to complete the finished product.
After completing all of these modules you will have a sales letter ready to use and sell your product. From there you can split test any of these elements above to keep improving your conversion rates.
Are you starting to see just how simple and easy I have made it for you.
Your copywriting blues will be over forever and you won't need to pay expensive fees to a professional copywriter anymore – because you will know exactly how to do it yourself…
It is going to make your life a lot easier, and your business a lot more profitable.
You don't need to be brilliant at writing text book style. An average writer can still great results providing they follow the formula. One big secret is to write just like you talk, and to read back your writing to see how it sounds.
Spelling mistakes can easily be removed with a spell checking tool and the main thing is that the writing makes sense and flows logically. Obviously you would need to have at least basic skills in the English language.
These methods are a condensed version of the similarities that the experts are teaching, but without having to spend months of your life learning them. I have only used ideas that were common amongst a large group of expert courses and books. And in any case you have a full 60 days to evaluate the program and decide for yourself.
I have been marketing online since about 2006 and have plenty of experience in all aspects of online marketing. I have completed the universally acclaimed AWAI Copywriting Course and I have read dozens of books on the subject and bought loads of courses. I have already done all the research for you.
Are you still skeptical?
It's OK if you are.
I don't blame you with all the garbage that is being pedaled online.
There is junk everywhere.
So in order to reduce your risk I am going to make you an offer that is clearly a "no brainer."
My "Double" Satisfaction Guarantee
Guarantee #1 – If for any reason you are not satisfied with my C4IM Formula then just send me an email and I'll gladly refund every cent.
Guarantee #2 – If you actually DO exactly what the Formula tells you to do and your results aren't great, I'll refund TWICE your money. All that I ask is that you put in an honest effort and you must show me examples of the work that you have put into your sales letter.
Is that fair or what?
But you better hurry because I am seriously considering putting the price back to the $297 it was originally. Don't put this off because you will most likely have to pay more for it if you do.
The amount of value that is included in program is more than double what I am asking for it, and I'm starting to think that this should be reflected in the price.
But if you purchase today you won't have to worry about this.
Just imagine yourself being able to effortlessly motor through your sales letter and watching them convert to sales before your very eyes. And don't forget you won't have to spend weeks or months taking notes and studying like your a university student.
This system is designed to be quick, easy and effective…
Start writing great sales letters immediately and save your precious time.
Relieve the stress of writers block…
And keep in mind that the program is specifically designed for information marketers – JUST LIKE YOU!
You will not be able to find this anywhere else – no matter hard you look on Google. If you create your own information products and your not not a trained copywriter then you really can't afford to not buy it.
Anyway here is the deal…
The C4IM Formula is just $97 and you get immediate access once you have paid for it.
Click the order button below to order now and get started immediately.
Warning – You will waste a lot of time without this precious knowledge
What is most likely going to happen if you don't take action?
Well there is a good chance that you will try to work out the finer points of writing a good sales letter yourself. You will consume free information on blogs and buy cheap books to try to work it out.
But the big problem with this is that you waste hour after hour studying bits and pieces about the large picture of copywriting. You could easily waste six months trying to figure out how to write a sales letter than converts.
And then you will finally get around to actually trying to write your sales letter. Most likely you will struggle because of the information overload that you have put yourself through.
I know because I have been there.
It drove me crazy…
But you don't have to go through any of this.
In fact if you have already researched your target market, it is quite possible that you could have your sales letter written within three hours of signing up for this program.
Click here to get started immediately
And don't forget that all of the risk is on us with the Double Satisfaction Guarantee above, so you have absolutely nothing to lose – and PLENTY to gain if you take action now.
PS: Remember that this formula is the end result of reading dozens of copywriting books and studying plenty of other information products teaching copywriting. Most of them were extremely time consuming and very dry.
It wasn't what I would call fun…
But this product has condensed all of the teachings from a large number of sources into the one step by step formula that you can start using to write sales letters immediately.
Which means that you don't have to become a student of copywriting, you just follow the formula and actually write your sales letter without the confusion and struggle.
Click the order button below to order now and get started immediately.